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The GRY Puzzle
The Contest Center
59 DeGarmo Hills Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
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       The GRY puzzle has been around since at least 1975. In its plain form, it asks for a third very common word besides angry and hungry that ends in gry. While there are many words ending in gry, all of the others are rare and obscure. The only common words are angry and hungry. The puzzle in this original form is simply a hoax.
       However, the human mind is ever inventive. This original puzzle has spun out into numerous versions that appear to be asking the same question. In reality, they are just riddles using the GRY puzzle as backdrop or camouflage.
       One well-known language expert calls all of these new versions "Nonsense. Humbug. Hogwash. Tripe. Flapdoodle. Folderol. Balderdash. Baloney." as though a riddle, once minted, were frozen, cast in bronze, and ever immutable. To this sort of attitude I respond: pshaw, hooey, fiddlesticks, foobosh, poppycock, twaddle, tommyrot, rubbish, applesauce, piffle, and a resounding thpfft!
       Below are some newer versions of the GRY puzzle. These formulations of the GRY puzzle depend heavily on their exact wording. Although these variants all appear to be asking the same question, they are not, and the answers are very different.

GRY #1
       There are 3 common words in the English language that end in GRY. ONE is hungry and another ONE is angry. The third ONE is as common as the other ONEs. EveryONE knows the third ONE. If you have been paying attention, I have given you ONE clue after another.
       What is the third word?

GRY #2
       ANGRY and HUNGRY are two common words that end in GRY. However, there are three words in the English language. What is the third word? It is something you use every day.

GRY #3
       I know three words that end in GRY. They are very common words that most people use often. Can you tell me the three words? Here's a hint: ANGRY and HUNGRY both end in GRY.

GRY #4
       This version is a giveaway when you see it in print, but when it is spoken it can be very baffling:

       I am thinking of three common short words that each end in G or Y. One is ANGRY and a second is HUNGRY. The third word is even shorter and more common. You probably say it every day. In fact almost every English speaker will say the third word several times daily. I am certain you know it, but can you say what it is yet? If you have been listening carefully, I have already used it 3 times.

GRY #5 (Contributed by Tyler O.)
       I know two words that end in GRY. Neither one is angry or hungry. What are they?

GRY #6
       This is my own invention (12/4/03), and is not yet in circulation. The puzzle is easy when seen in print with punctuation, but when spoken is very difficult.

       Give me 3 English words, commonly spoken, ending in G, R, Y.

GRY #7
       There are several common words in the English language that end in GRY. One is hungry and another one is angry. I know a third common word. I am thinking of it right now. It is a word you use every day.
       What is it?

GRY #8
       There are three words in English ending in GRY. One is hungry. Another word is angry. What is the last word of the three?

GRY #9
       Garison Piatt has told me another version of the GRY puzzle. He reports that this version was given on a radio quiz show in 1965, long before any of the other versions appeared, so it is undoubtedly the orginal version.

       There are three English words with the letters G-R-Y in succession. What are they?


GRY #1
       Notice how the word ONE has been highlighted repeatedly in the problem. This is a double clue. It tells you how many letters to add, and also what they mean. A ONE-letter word meaning ONE is A, and the desired third word is AGREE.
       If you don't agree, try reading the puzzle out loud to someONE, without showing them the written puzzle.

GRY #2
       "Language" is the third word in "the English language". You use language every day. The rest of this version of the riddle is simply misdirection, to get you thinking about the wrong thing.

GRY #3
       The three words I had in mind are "I am hungry," but "they were hungry" and "don't get angry" are equally valid. Again, the last part of this riddle is misdirection.

GRY #4
       Seeing "G or Y" in print instead of "GRY" is a dead giveaway. If you look through the text, you will find that the word "say" is the only word ending in G or Y that is used 3 times. It also fits the other clues about how short and common it is, so the answer is "say."

GRY #5
       The words are ANGRY and HUNGRY. Since words do not have emotions or senses they cannot become angry or hungry.

GRY #6
       There are many possible answers, such as "Beg for mercy," or "Bring your money."

GRY #7
       This version is the old switcheroo. The first two sentences refer to common words ending in GRY. The remaining three sentences are unrelated to the first two. They refer to the word "it." So the answer to this version is "it."

GRY #8
       This puzzle becomes obvious when you fix up the punctuation: There are three words in English ending in GRY, "One is hungry." Another word is angry. What is the last word of the three?
       The last word of "One is hungry" is "hungry," of course.

GRY #9
       Notice that this version does not say that GRY is at the end of the word. So the answer is ANGRY, HUNGRY and GRYPHON.

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